Note to Employers
This website is not a job listing site you can use. Many such websites allow you to post job ads but this is not one. This site works by using data-mining and business intelligence to find job openings in the most critical sections of the economy. These are real jobs, hard-working, sweat, blood and tears jobs.
We synthesize the entire hiring process based on the data we mine. The data and algorithms we use to do this are open-source.
Job seekers do not apply with individual employers one at a time. Instead, they apply to sectors of the economy where labour is most in demand.
Our approach to completely synthesized, data-driven recruitment removes human bias, prejudice and associated bureaucratic frictions, dead-ends and delays from the hiring process.
We simply balance the aspirations of the job seeker with the needs of society and the aspirations of society with the needs of the job seeker.